This is my newest doodle/painting. My roommate who is a painter by trade uses this technique of plaster (sheet rock) on plywood then rewets it with the paint which creates a fresco of sorts, I'm playing around with the technique, it's pretty exciting to have a new medium to work with.

Chris and I moved into a bigger room in the house and quickly filled it with our things, there's lots of storage space which is nice and we have a nice window for plants and light.

Here is our Kansas wall. We found a map from when I was in the first grade. Joan Finney was the governor when this map was put out. We're proud of where we came from.

We have a great garage that is a studio for Nikki and I and Chris likes to come out and play guitar as well, it's so nice to paint and work as he plays. Chris has just finished a country EP called High Hopes and Sweet Dreams. His band name is The Checkered Present, referring to our current state of shady affairs in the world. He is also finishing the full album this week to be released on November 20th at the Alberta Street Pub just up the street. Alberta street is an artsy fartsy street but the pub is a really nice respite from the hip (too hip sometimes) art scene.

Here's my preparation of some of the frames that Andrew Craig just helped me to build. I have over 20 frames ready to paint. I will be working hard to get them ready for the arts fair, called Last Thursdays, that happens once a month just a few blocks away, on Alberta St. It's a free for all, anyone can set up a table and sell their wares. It is a really fun atmosphere and a great place for young artists to get their feet under themselves. I am so excited about this prospect. The idea of someone wanting to buy my art is beyond me, so I'm excited to try.