Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wildflowers and Kitchens


Tiny painting, about 2"x2".

Coast inspired.

Learning to balance.

Come with me!

This was a sample of wood that I got from a little store in Portland called "Scrap!". They sell things, that would normally end up in the landfill, to artists and teachers. Google it, it's pretty cool.

This one was an old bald man, I didn't like it and turned it upside down and his little piece of white hair became this young lady's dress.

Wildflowers in jars are my favorite.

See what I mean? Oh, this is a sliver of an old door, lazy me liked it because it had a built in hanger.

More jars and wildflowers.

And...more. This one sold before I got a better picture of it, the photo I had was really washed out by the sun so I tried to photoshop it to its original splendor but it's not quite there.

This one's coloring is a little off too. This is the future of my love-life, unknown.

Spending two months in a cabin on the coast was exactly what I needed. I picked wildflowers (which Bobbie, my roommate, informed me were actually weeds), I painted, I ran alot, I hung out with people I love, and just generally had a mellow and wonderful time.

Summer Painting/Reflecting

I want to say something really profound about the last five months of my life, because they have felt profound to me. I have learned alot. I have been down and out and come up out of that. I don't know what to say really but time really is amazing. Sometimes time is all that can help, all of our efforts may not do as much as the simple passage of time to get us back to a place where we feel happy and healthy.
As I feel more happy and healthy my paintings become more full of color, I'm not trying to put more color in it just happens. Craziness.
This was my kitchen for the summer.