Wednesday, December 9, 2009


My "boss" just posted some pictures and videos to his Picasa website

Towards the bottom there is a video of the antique corn decobber that my co-worker brought in for us to use. It says that it was built in 1904 or 1905 for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. It's really neat to use a machine that was used so long ago and has been sitting in someone's storage for decades. They sure new how to build things tough back then.

We grew three varieties of dry corn. A popcorn, and two varieties for corn meal (Painted Mountain and a dent corn).

Things are really slowing down as it has been below freezing for days on end here (which is rare). We are, however, building a new greenhouse that is 20x50 feet. It's pretty exciting to be a part of building an entire structure. I have done a bit of construction type work but I don't think I've ever done a start to finish, free standing structure. Working with the metal pipe skeleton of the greenhouse in this weather is "fun". I'm sure pictures will follow.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Trivial Winter 2009

Inspired by figure drawing class.

Inspired by Chris's mustache.

Inspired by chilly weather.

Uninspired by chilly weather, just want to stay in bed all day and read.

I am very much looking forward to my trip to Kansas in 9 days. The winter doldrums have begun to creep up on us here in the land of no sun (though it has been oddly sunny lately). I find that when the sun is out it is a bit unsettling. I look at it and ask, "Why must you tease me so, dear sun?" It's not the sun's fault really. The unfortunate thing about sun in the midst of weeks of drizzle is that one can't help but dread the drizzly days to come, even while the sun is out. This is where Trivial Pursuit and Buffalo Springfield come into play.

I have really taken a liking to pursuing those little wedges of knowledge as we round the wheel of many colors. Koolaid Trivia and Sweet Valley High were once my calling but the winds of change blew through and crashed Enid's beach party.

Here's one for you...What country banned the Bible, Koran, and Talmud in the year 1926?

Check out This American Life. I know you'll love it.

Inspired by my pink marker?